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New & Used Tack
If you have any questions about the tack, please call the farm at: 860-868-1960.
All items cash only and must be picked up at the farm!
Check out our used saddles that offer great price savings!
We also have Coolers & sheets starting at $2.50 & up, new & used!
Turnout blankets starting at $15.00!

Wintek Cair 17" Dressage IW Isabell Werth
Air ride and adjustable tree
Very light use
This saddle is $1,295 new
Our price $700

Tekna Dressage 18" with 7" gullet
Worn once!!
This saddle is $650 new
Our price is $450, which includes:
Pads, girth and cover

Maxam Thorowgood 17"
Close Contact
This saddle is $695 new
Our price is $150

Our Tack Shop is filled with
gently used clothing, horse ware
and tack.
All at bargain prices!

Come by and check out
our blankets and sheets!

New ladies dress riding boots Retail $200, our price $50
Sizes 7 1/2, 8 & 9

No matter what you're looking for, we probably have it!
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