The Humane Organization Representing Suffering Equines (H.O.R.S.E.) of Connecticut Inc., is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and neglected horses. Over the past years, H.O.R.S.E. has saved more than 700 lives. In addition to direct intervention, H.O.R.S.E. also maintains an ongoing commitment to educating the public regarding horse care.

H.O.R.S.E was established in 1981 and moved to its permanent home in 1995. It is staffed by a team of volunteers who share dedication and love of the beautiful horse. H.O.R.S.E. volunteers intervene on behalf of suffering equines by providing relief, recovery, shelter, and rehabilitation. Once a horse is physically and mentally rehabilitated, the process of seeking an adoptive home begins. All prospective homes are carefully screened, and adopters are required to sign a contract which guarantees that the horse shall not be bred or sold. It is a lifetime commitment.
H.O.R.S.E. receives no town, state or federal funding. Funds are raised through memberships, sponsorships, charitable contributions, and fundraising activities. All donations go directly to the horses.
H.O.R.S.E. investigates all cruelty complaints (which are kept strictly confidential). If a problem exists, cooperation is first sought from the owner. Prosecution is pursued only when there is no other recourse. Horses placed in our custody are provided with immediate veterinary and farrier care before adoptive homes that meet policy standards are sought.

In addition, representatives from H.O.R.S.E. are available to speak to interested groups in order to raise public awareness of the mission of H.O.R.S.E.
​​Incredibly, the horse will compromise his own instincts in order to honor his side of the bargain. Unfortunately, there are those who interpret this loyalty as stupidity and reward it with neglect, cruelty or ignorant demands. This is a betrayal of the age old promise between human beings and the horse: that each shall protect and serve the other.
What happens to a horse betrayed? Usually, after a long and painful journey, he is left to a lingering death. This doesn't have to happen!! Your tax-deductible donation provides the protection that such loyalty deserves. H.O.R.S.E. is continuing to grow to meet the demands of this expanding problem. We need your help and dedication.
After the horses have been returned to good physical and mental health, they are placed out for adoption. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing that new bond of trust and love between human and horse.​

H.O.R.S.E. representatives conduct regular seminars and make guest lectures to teach people about caring for their horse. Other topics include: Premarin issues, animal cruelty, horse rescue, and many other facets of the work of H.O.R.S.E.

For $50 a month, you can sponsor a horse of your choice. Sponsorship includes four visits a month during which you can groom, spend time with, and hand-walk the horse. Some horses are able to carry a small child while hand-walked. If you can't come to the farm, you can still sponsor a horse and one of our volunteers will be happy to take "your" horse for a walk and give him/her love and goodies.

Throughout history, mankind has pursued the domestication of the horse. For centuries, the horse has been taught that its best interest is to serve man. Today, all but a few wild herds are completely dependent on their human guardians for survival.
It is easy to see how the relationship developed between the horse and humans. In return for his service, the horse was provided with food, care, affection, and protection from other predators. In the beginning, this was almost an equal
partnership as both horse and human were responsible for each other's life.